Monday, May 19, 2008

Addition to the family!

We got a puppy! After 1 year of feeding strays, enviously looking at people playing with their dogs and reconciling ourselves to feeding ungrateful stray cats, we finally have a puppy! An adorable 8 week old bundle of energy and mischief, who thinks just about everything is edible and insists on making herself heard at 4 am.

Our rotten-weiler (at the moment, she is more that than the Rotweiler her ancestry claims her to be) is already testing her boundaries. She is both the sweetest and most affectionate pup I have ever seen and the most stubborn. It is probably her breed which makes us focus on the negatives more than the
positives, the slightest hint of an unwanted behavior trait sparks off endless debate.

Question: To what extent can you ignore skeptical comments on the breed and remain convinced on the 'love and training fixes all' maxim? Where do you draw the line between genuine reason for concern and random puppy inquisitiveness?

I sincerely hope that whatever few 'problems' that exist (like nibbling on our hand!) get resolved soon, because shes already found herself a very special place in my heart

Her latest pictures: shes about 4 months old in these


Unknown said...

I want this dog for adoption

Unknown said...

I want a dog so bad and i would love to have it

Veer said...

I want this dog plz give me this puppy 9560685069